PEKAT VISION offers numerous advantages over traditional methods of quality control in the plastics and rubber manufacturing sector, including greater accuracy, consistency, and speed. This translates into higher efficiency, lower costs, and better product quality.

The outcome of injection molding, for example, is affected by a number of factors, including the raw material, mold quality, temperature, pressure, and speed. These factors can result in the occurrence of defects, such as various types of stains, burrs, inclusions, voids, or cracks.

PEKAT VISION comprises several modules capable of identifying these defects, detecting missing parts, and reading and verifying any signs or symbols. It can even detect defects like stains, micro voids, cracks, or inclusions that are difficult to identify manually or with a rule-based system, as they may be too small or hard to notice. Furthermore, for cases where the form of the defect is difficult to anticipate, PEKAT VISION offers the Anomaly Detector module, which requires only defect-free images for training. Below are a few examples of its applications.

Molded Plastics – Clip Inspection

PEKAT VISION’s Detector and Classifier modules inspect the three clips for potential defects. Using backlighting helps to accurately identify any imperfections.

Detection of Unknown Defects

Even when the shape, size, location, or type of defect is unpredictable, the Anomaly Detection module can easily detect these defects, ensuring comprehensive quality control.

Final Product Inspection

Before shipping, PEKAT VISION conducts final product quality inspections to ensure that only flawless products reach customers, a critical aspect for high-end and luxury brands. The Detector module is utilized in this case.

Scratch Detection

Volume control knobs are inspected before assembly using the PEKAT VISION Surface Detector module for surface flaws such as scratches. Techniques like line pattern projection, as shown in the bottom image, assist in identifying these defects.

Assembly Verification

The completeness of assembled plastic parts is verified using the PEKAT VISION Detector and Classifier modules. If any component is missing, the product is marked as NOK (not okay).

OCR and Safety Features Verification

PEKAT VISION’s various modules can be combined for comprehensive inspections. In this example, the OCR module and text verification module are combined with the Object Detector module to verify that all safety parts and symbols are present.

Plastic Parts Inspection

The Object Detector module is used to identify faulty clips on molded plastics, ensuring that defective parts are caught early in the production process.

Detecting Contaminants in Rubber Chips

Contaminants detected in rubber chips

PEKAT VISION detects contaminants in a stream of rubber chips, ensuring the purity and quality of the rubber material.


Ease of Use & Compatibility
PEKAT VISION offers an intuitive and user friendly software environment. No programming knowledge is required as it already contains all the necessary modules for industrial visual inspection. It is compatible with many hardware brands, Windows® and Linux® operating systems and runs on embedded devices.
Fast Integration
Predefined output rules significantly speed up the integration process. Furthermore, we work closely with a number of partners throughout the globe that can help you with hardware selection based on your specific business requirements, and with smooth integration within your company-wide system.
Comprehensive Support
In order to find the best possible solution, we always strive to understand our customers’ specific needs first. Our goal is to make sure that our solution works for the customer. We offer a free feasibility study, free 30-day trial, support during and after the trial and implementation, and a comprehensive training.

And more! Ask for a free feasibility study for your specific case. Our software is highly versatile and can be customized to suit nearly any intended application.

Get In Touch

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PEKAT VISION is now part of Datalogic Group